Freelance Earning Simulator

Pricing your freelance or ad hoc services isn’t just about the money you want to make, it’s about the quality of life you want for yourself and/or your team.

If you’re new to freelancing, you might consider taking any paid work you can get your hands on. But as you get deeper into your freelancing line of business, you’ll need to start being more strategic about the types of work you do and the clients you take on.

You might be thinking: How can getting picky about the freelance work I do help me make more money?

Because when you specialize, you become an expert in a specific field, and experts can charge more for their specialized services.

If you are looking for a freelance earning simulator that able to show the possible earnings to you for your freelance work then you are landing in the right place:

Per Page Earning Calculator

With the help of this calculator, you can simply calculate the estimated per page earning. As much time you will spend on your freelance work you will earn more experience and rates.

Per Hour Earning Calculator

With the help of this calculator, you can estimate your on average earning either you do more or less work for an hour.

Per Day Earning Calculator

Either you are a beginner or expert, with the help of this calculator you can simply calculate your per day freelance earning within the few of seconds.